Retreat! Renew! Recover!

News, Info, and Updates on Addiction, Recovery, and Health

W have begun a blog here in order for you to become more familiar with the various forms of addictions, including behavioral addictions. We are also addressing intimate partner abuse as another form of addiction! We view spousal abuse as violent, repetitive, and ongoing dysfunctional behavior, which defines a behavioral addiction. When 24 women become the victim of intimate partner abuse every 60 seconds, we need to address it!
Please check back every few days for new articles. If there's something you would like us to address here, just go to our contact page and write us!
Thank you!
Copyright 2011-2023, Teshuvah Road Ministries Inc, Recovery Room 7,. All Rights Reserved.
We are a registered 501(c)3 Christian nonprofit corporation.
Teshuvah Road Ministries Inc
PO Box 145
Hot Springs, MT 59845
(406) 382-0372